Three Canadian provinces conducted Provincial Nominee Program draws between 9-15 September and released the results recently. The provinces, including British Columbia, Manitoba, and Quebec, targeted candidates from different streams and invited them for permanent selection.  

Many Canadian provinces and territories use Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) to decide economic immigrants who they believe can easily incorporate into the region’s economy. Quebec and Nunavut are the only exceptions that don’t use PNP.  

Annually, the provinces are allotted a fixed number of nominations by the federal government under the PNPs that they can use to invite candidates. This allocated number may vary from province to province based on factors such as the requirement of the labor force and the overall population of the region. 

The province of Quebec has signed a unique agreement with the Canadian government that provides it total authority over the candidate selection process, including the number of economic immigrants who desire to immigrate to the province. 

In Canada, immigration is a joint responsibility of the federal and provincial governments. This is why such an agreement is achievable. 

PNP results for 3 Canadian Provinces between September 9-15 

This section covers the PNP results for 3 Canadian Provinces, including British Columbia, Manitoba, and Quebec. Discover how many candidates each province invited and the minimum required score.  

British Columbia 

The province of British Columbia conducted its weekly PNP draw on September 12, in which a total of 183 candidates received the Invitation to Apply. The province targeted candidates from the Skilled Workers and International Graduate streams. This also includes candidates from the Express Entry. 

BC conducted three separate draws, targeting specific occupations, and the largest draw invited 133 candidates from the tech occupations.  

The draw required a minimum score of 88.  

In the remaining two draws, the province invited 36 candidates who were early childcare educators and assistants and 14 candidates from the healthcare sector. The minimum required CRS score for these draws was 60. 


On September 7, Manitoba conducted its draw under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP).  

Manitoba issued invitations in four draws. A total of 558 candidates received the invitation to apply from three different streams.  

The province targeted Skilled Workers in two draws. The first draw was occupation-specific, in which a total of 230 candidates received an invitation to apply. The occupations fall under the 2021 major groups of 19 National Occupational Classification (NOC). For this draw, candidates required a minimum score of 595. 

Manitoba’s second draw was a general draw in which the province issued invitations to 236 candidates. This means that no specific occupation was targeted in this draw, and the minimum score for this was 640. 

In the other two draws, Manitoba issued 52 Invitations to apply and targeted candidates from the International Education stream and 40 from the Skilled Workers Overseas stream. For both draws, the minimum required score was 724. 


The Province of Quebec conducted its PNP draw on September 7 and issued a total of 1,433 invitations to candidates. The minimum required score for this draw was 586, which candidates needed to be eligible. 

Candidates needed to achieve the lowest score of 586 to be eligible for this draw. The scoring system of Quebec is identical to the Comprehensive Ranking System, which it uses to rank candidates. Quebec is Canada’s only province that has French as its official language.  

In order to protect the status of the French language and promote it further in the province, the candidates require a level 7 oral French proficiency or above as per the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or its comparable organization.