Recently, on January 22, Canada’s immigration department, IRCC, announced noteworthy changes to the international Students program. One of the significant modifications includes setting a limit on the number of study permit applications for 2024. In addition, establishing a new policy for provincial attestation letters for international students seeking study permits is also a notable change. These changes have raised numerous queries that many international students are looking for answers to. For instance, following the announcement, many students wonder how significant these updates are and how they can impact their chances of applying for and attaining study permits. So, to resolve their concern and provide a satisfactory answer to their query, we’ve covered this article. Read on to find solutions regarding Canada’s Study Permit Update’s most common FAQs and comprehend the information IRCC has disclosed.

Canada’s Study Permit Update’s Common FAQs

The following section will answer the most common FAQs regarding Canada’s recent study permit update to help you understand what’s new and how impactful it can be for your study permit application.

When are these latest modifications going to be effective?

On January 22, IRCC announced the limit on the total number of study permit applications for this year as well as the procedure of attestation letters. Notably, these changes became effective on the same day of their announcement. 

As per this, in 2024, a total of 360,000 study permit applications will be accepted throughout the year.

However, the method for provincial and territorial governments to give attestation letters to international students has yet to be established. This could lead to a bit of confusion.

To implement this attestation letter process, the provincial and territorial governments have a time limit until March 31, 2024.

Will Canada’s Study Permit Update affect you if you have a letter of acceptance and are ready to move to Canada shortly?

The latest amendments to Canada’s international student program apply to all students from overseas who have not submitted a study permit application by January 22, 2024.

Therefore, even if you have obtained a letter of acceptance (LOA) allowing you to attend Canada’s DLI, these new changes are applicable to you, except if you have applied for a study permit before January 22.

Should you wait until March 31 to submit your study permit application?

As of now, the answer to this FAQ is uncertain. This means that it’s unclear whether or not students from overseas will be required to wait until March 31 to submit their study permit application.

This is due to the fact that it’s now up to the provincial and territorial governments to establish a system to issue attestation letters to international students.

If they could develop and implement an efficient attestation letters system prior to the end of March, you might qualify to apply early for your study permit.

Is anyone exempt from the new study permit cap and attestation letters procedure after January 22?

As revealed by the IRCC department, there are certain international students to whom these latest amendments will not apply. These include the following international students:

  • Minor children (from kindergarten to grade 12) who intend to attend primary or secondary school in Canada;
  • International students submitting applications to renew or extend their study permits; and/or
  • International students who are applying to enroll in a or PhD, Masters, or any other post-graduate program.

In 2024, if you intend to change your educational institute, will you need to obtain IRCC consent?

As of now, the answer to this question regarding the procedure for international students who seek to change their educational institute called DLIs in the upcoming academic year remains unknown. It’s possible that the immigration department might issue additional information concerning this in the forthcoming months.

Are these updates to Canada’s international student program permanent or momentary?

As per IRCC’s January 22 Announcement, the limit on the number of study permit applications and provincial attestation letters process is an interim measure that will be effective for the coming two years. 

In addition, the department has stated that at the end of this year, it will reevaluate the limit set on study permits for 2025.

Are you ready to immigrate to Canada but have concerns about the process and pathways? Feel free to connect with our experienced immigration experts for help at NavaImmigration. You can also send us an email at [email protected]