Canada Modified Self-Employed Persons & Start-up Visa Programs
Recently, Canada modified the Self-Employed Persons & Start-up Visa Programs. Marc Miller, the Immigration Minister of Canada, has declared notable updates to these two different programs to fast-track processing and lower backlogs.
IRCC has applied the new regulations for processing start-up visa applications starting April 30, 2024. In addition, the department paused the application intake for the Self-Employed Persons program on the same day.
Canada Modified Self-Employed Persons & Start-up Visa Programs
This section outlines the notable changes IRCC made to both programs: Self-Employed Persons Programs & Start-up Visa.
Modifications to the Self-Employed Persons program
IRCC department has completely paused the application intake for the Self-Employed Persons program. It was scheduled to be in effect until the end of 2026.
The processing durations have escalated to more than four years due to the high volume of applications within the program inventory.
While the interim suspension is in place, IRCC will continue to finalize applications and look for opportunities to continue reforming the program while maintaining its integrity.
Modifications to the Start-up Visa Program
IRCC department has modified application processing for the Start-up Visa programs as of yesterday, April 30, 2024. This was enforced by focusing on the following:
- Limiting the total number of PRs accepted under the Start-up Visa program. This was accomplished by barring applicants related to a maximum of 10 start-ups per designated organization; and
- Offering priority processing to entrepreneurs, especially those whose start-up is supported by Canadian funding or company incubators in Canada’s Tech Network. This also considers applications applied previously under the program.
In Canada, designated organizations are Canadian business groups such as angel investor groups, venture capital funds, and/or business incubators. These organizations have been approved by the program to invest in start-up businesses. Applicants under the Start-up visa program must have the support of a designated organization to be eligible.
What is the Start-Up Visa Program?
The Start-Up visa program in Canada permits foreign citizens who own a complete or partial start-up business to immigrate and settle in Canada permanently. They must satisfy the following conditions:
- Own an eligible business;
- Receive a letter of support from a designated organization;
- Satisfy language requirements; and
- Have sufficient money to settle in Canada.
What is the Self-Employed Persons program?
In Canada, the Self-Employed Person program is a permanent residence (PR) pathway designed for self-employed foreign nationals with significant experience in sports, recreation, art, or culture who can enhance Canada’s cultural vitality.
The applicant must satisfy the following conditions to be eligible for this pathway:
- Have relevant experience;
- Be capable of or interested in being self-employed in Canada;
- Satisfy the program’s eligibility criteria; and
- Fulfill medical, security, and other pre-requirements.
Notably, both the programs, i.e., the Self-Employed Persons program and the Start-Up visa program, fall under the Federal Business category of the immigration levels plan. This category allotment is set to rise from 5,000 to 6,000 newcomers starting in 2025.
Previously, on April 29, Minister Miler highlighted the need for more efficient processing for these two streams.
He stated that fast processing is critical for the success of entrepreneurs who immigrated to Canada under these federal business programs. These required modifications will result in speedier processing times. Besides this, the government will make further changes to these programs to make them more sustainable and effective over the long run.
Are you ready to immigrate to Canada but have concerns about the process and pathways? Feel free to connect with our experienced immigration experts for help at NavaImmigration. You can also send us an email at [email protected]