If you are considering any one of the three Express Entry programs, i.e., FSWP, FSTP, and CEC for Canadian immigration, learn how work experience influences CRS score in EE. 

The National Occupation Classification 2021, which is often referred to as the NOC 2021 classification, correlates with the candidate’s work experience. This work experience will not influence the CRS score of the candidates unless they have pre-arranged jobs in Canada or have a job letter from a Canadian employer. 

However, in general, NOC codes continue to play an essential role in the Express Entry System, particularly when it comes to Express Entry Category-Based draws and Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) 

This blog will help you understand how Express Entry Works and how your NOC codes or work experience can enhance the likelihood of successfully immigrating to Canada. 

Overview of CRS scores 

A Comprehensive Ranking System, or CRS, is a point-based system that assesses candidates based on various factors and provides them scores to rank them against other candidates. 

Canada’s federal government employs CRS scores to rank potential candidates who applied under any of the three Express Entry Programs, i.e., the Canadian Experience Class, the Federal Skilled Worker Program, and the Federal Skilled Trades Program. This process is typically done prior to holding the invitation round or Express Entry Draw. 

In terms of standard Express Entry draws, the CRS score is a deciding factor, and candidates are ranked on the basis of these scores. Candidates who obtain a CRS score more than the cut-off score of that specific draw are issued an invitation to apply (ITAs) for Canadian permanent residence (PR) by the IRCC. 

This is not true for the Express Entry category-based selection draws, which we’ll cover later. 

NOC Codes: What are they? 

The Federal government in Canada uses the National Occupation Classification System or NOC system to classify, define, distinguish, and outline jobs in the Country. This takes into account the main responsibilities, educational requirements, and other valuable information related to the occupation. 

The occupations that are classified under this system are assigned a special number for simplifying categorization, which is known as the NOC code of the occupation. Typically, an NOC code contains a five-digit number. 

Role of NOC Codes in Standard Express Entry Draws 

When understanding how work experience influences CRS score in Express Entry, let’s determine the role of NOC codes in Standard Express Entry Draws. 

In the case of standard Express Entry Draws, the NOC code of the candidates may help them gain additional CRS points in specific conditions. This increases their possibilities of obtaining an invitation to apply for permanent residency in Canada

In particular, in the additional points section of the CRS, the Canadian government stated that candidates in the Express Entry are able to acquire an extra 50 or 200 CRS points for “Arranged Employment.” 

Under this, Express Entry candidates who have arranged employment in Canada or a job offer from a Canadian employer prior to entering Canada are eligible for the following two categories: 

  • If they have a job offer in an occupation that comes under Major Group 00 of the NOC 21, they will get an additional 200 points under CRS. 
  • If they have a qualifying job offer in any other occupation under the NOC TEER 0, 1,2, or 3, they will get an additional 50 points under CRS. 

In both situations, the additional CRS points that candidates can receive based on their NOC can make a huge difference in their overall CRS score. This, in turn, can significantly increase their chances of successfully immigrating to Canada under the standard Express Entry draws. 

The Major Group 00 in NOC is an occupation group designed specifically for professions that are categorized as “Senior Management” roles. 

These professions include senior government officials and administrators; legislators; and senior executives in a number of businesses, including but not limited to health, finance, communications, broadcasting, transportation, construction, and more. 

Role of NOC Codes in Category-Based Express Entry Draws 

The newly launched category-based draws under Express Entry enable the Canadian government to invite candidates for Canadian immigration who have work experience in certain high-demand sectors and with high French language abilities. The purpose of inviting candidates with work experience in specific professions is to bridge the urgent labor market gaps in the in-demand sectors of the Country. 

For 2023, the Canadian government has decided on five occupation-based categories to consider in Express Entry category-based draws. 

These are as follows: 

  • Healthcare; 
  • Transport; 
  • Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); 
  • Trades; and 
  • Agriculture/agri-food. 

NOC codes are used in category-based draws because each selected occupation in five high-demand categories has a specific NOC code. 

As a result, in addition to the Standard Express Entry draws, candidates with work experience in an occupation that corresponds to a specific NOC code may qualify for Canadian immigration via the Express Entry category-based draws. 

The following are the selected occupations, along with their NOC code that are chosen for the Express Entry categories for 2023: 

  • Transport: Transport Truck Drivers (NOC: 73300) 
  • Healthcare: Dentists (NOC: 31110); Massage Therapists (NOC: 32201) 
  • STEM: Architects (NOC: 21200); Engineering Managers (NOC: 20010) 
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food: Butchers – Retail and Wholesale (NOC: 63201) 
  • Trades: Residential, Commercial Installers and Servicers (NOC: 73200) 

Role of NOC Codes in Provincial Nominee Program (PNPs) 

You can understand the importance of NOC of potential candidates in terms of work experience from the fact that each Canadian province has unique labor market needs that they address via their local PNPs. 

This means that if the work experience of a candidate matches a specific NOC, they may be more appealing to a province or territory searching for talented workers with work experience in a specific occupation and with particular abilities. 

Overview of Provincial Nomination Programs in Canada 

The Provincial Nomination Program, or PNP, is a Canadian immigration pathway that is utilized by almost all Canadian provinces and territories. Quebec and Nunavut are the only exceptions to this. These programs are designed to help each region attract and invite potential immigrants from overseas who they believe can help address the regional market shortages and economic concerns. 

Among all economic-class immigration programs managed by the Canadian government, PNPs are the most significant immigration pathway. The PNP permits provincial and territorial governments to select the eligible candidates and provide them with Permanent residence in their region. 

Each province and territory manages a variety of streams under their PNP that help attract individuals living overseas from diverse professional fields. 

The following is an illustration that includes three Canadian provinces that are considered top provincial destinations in Canada among the newcomers that gained Canadian permanent resident status in 2022 (except for Quebec) have specific streams for individuals of a variety of occupations: 

  • Ontario: Nurse helpers, Transport Truck Drivers, Construction Trades Helpers/Labourers. These professions are managed under the Ontario Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills Stream. 
  • British Columbia: Nurses, Physicians, Psychiatric Nurses. These professions are managed under the Skills Immigration: Healthcare Professional Category. 
  • Alberta: Farm Workers. This is managed under the Alberta Farm Stream. 

So, this was all about how work experience influences CRS scores in Express Entry. The NOC codes correlate with the work experience in specific occupations; thus, NOC, NOC codes, and their roles are majorly discussed in this blog. Candidates desiring to immigrate to Canada under Express Entry must be well aware of the NOC codes, the CRS scores, and how they function to increase the likelihood of entering Canada successfully.