Let us have an overview of Express Entry category-based selection draws. IRCC held the category-based draw under Express Entry for the first time on June 28, 2023. This type of draw paved a pathway for IRCC to entice skilled new immigrants depending on certain national labor market gaps and demographic needs.

In short, the immigration department started conducting such types of draws in order to welcome foreign nationals with particular in-demand work experience and capabilities.

Although the focus was on candidates possessing specific in-demand occupations, CRS scores continue to be a key factor for category-based selection draws.

Notably, in 2024, IRCC has selected candidates with the following language abilities and recent work experience under category-based draws:

  • Healthcare professions
  • Transport occupations
  • Trade
  • STEM professions
  • French language proficiency
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food occupations

2023 Express Entry category-based selection draws in a nutshell: Types of draws and other details

IRCC has organized at least 25 category-based draws since it held the first category-based selection draw under Express Entry a year ago. When analyzing each category, the data shows that CRS cut-off scores had a huge difference. Cut-off scores display the minimum qualifying Express Entry profile score among those with an Invitation to Apply during an Express Entry draw. Moreover, these scores are essential because candidates without a CRS score beyond a cut-off will not qualify for an ITA during a specific draw.

 Draw’s date  Category  CRS Cut-Off Score   Number of ITAs issued
June 28, 2023  Healthcare  476  500 
July 5, 2023  STEM  486  500 
July 6, 2023  Healthcare  463  1,500 
July 7, 2023  French  439  2,300 
July 12, 2023  French  375  3,800 
August 2, 2023  French  435  800 
August 3, 2023  Trades  388  1,500 
September 20, 2023  Transport  435  1,000 
September 27, 2023  French  472  500 
September 28, 2023  Agriculture and Agri-Food  354  600 
October 25, 2023  French  486  300 
October 26, 2023  Healthcare  431  3,600 
December 7, 2023  French  470  1,000 
December 8, 2023  STEM  481  5,900 
December 19, 2023  Trades  425  1,000 
December 20, 2023  Transport  435  670 
December 21, 2023  Agriculture and Agri-Food  386  400 

Overall invitations issued

IRCC considered all the selected Express Entry categories as essential for this new draw type. However, the number of invitations issued to those in each category also differed on a large scale in 2023.

  • Healthcare – 9,100 invitations
  • STEM occupations – 10,900 invitations
  • Transport occupations – 2,645 invitations
  • Trades – 2,500 invitations
  • French language skills – 21,100 invitations
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food – 1,150 invitations

Future prospects for the rest of 2024

Reportedly, in April 2024, IRCC displayed its complete plan for the allocation of ITAs in these six categories. In addition, observed that based on each category, the percentage of invitations to be received in 2024 will be as follows:

  • Healthcare occupation – 15 percent
  • Transport – 3 percent
  • STEM occupations – 25 percent
  • Trades – 5 percent
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food – 0.5 percent
  • French language skills – 30 percent

IRCC also noted that 78.5 percent of all Express Entry invitations will be issued to category-based draw candidates. Meanwhile, the rest of the 25 percent of invitations will fall under the general draws this year.

If you seek details on Express Entry category-based draws, you can talk to our NavaImmigration experts at 1800-918-8490, or email us at [email protected].