IRCC plans to build a new advisory board to get direct newcomer input. 

The department declared this scheme as a part of its report called An Immigration System for Canada’s Future.” 

Recently, the Government of Canada, backed by the country’s immigration department, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), has published a report that outlines its discoveries and strategies it plans to implement after engaging in extensive consultation with different stakeholders regarding a fresh approach for the Canadian immigration system

In this report, IRCC has discussed its plan to establish an advisory board consisting of people with real immigration experience to guide the department in policy development and enhancements to service delivery. 

According to IRCC, this portion of the strategy is meant to aid the department’s goal to provide a more friendly experience to newcomers. 

This advisory council, in particular, is listed by IRCC as an initiative aimed at assisting the department in improving communications and ensuring 

Canada takes a “human-centric” approach to its immigration system. 

IRCC’s New Advisory Board: What it is?

IRCC acknowledges that the way it provides services to newcomers has to consider the fact that the users of the Canadian immigration system are actual individuals, families, and employers who are making life-changing decisions; it’s in alignment with the government’s commitment to respecting that the individuals and entities using the Canadian immigration system are more than file numbers. 

Further, IRCC has suggested that its new advisory council will engage newcomers in such a way that enables people with actual immigration experience to provide recommendations and assist in supporting policy and program development, all while keeping Canada’s immigration system focused on a human-centric approach. 

It will involve individuals with various experiences and views concerning the Canadian immigration system. This may probably range from temporary residents, including international students and foreign workers, as well as permanent residents to the count.y 

It’s anticipated that IRCC may announce further details concerning the new advisory board in the future. 

This isn’t the first time that the Canadian immigration department has attempted to solicit feedback from the general public on immigration issues. 

As stated, IRCC plans to build a new advisory board, notably, the first advisory council scheduled by the department, especially to gain feedback from newcomers who have been directly involved with the Canadian immigration system. 

IRCC’s Record of Public Engagement in Shaping Immigration System

The Canadian immigration department, IRCC, often conducts public consultations with Canadians to assist the department in making decisions concerning immigration policies and programs and strengthen the immigration system. 

IRCC has publicized the consultation reports in 2023 concerning Canada’s immigration levels and the country’s more extensive immigration system, which led to the creation of IRCC’s advisory council and the Express Entry category-based draws that were launched earlier this year.