PGWP eligibility changes for Public-Private Program Graduates will be effective as of September 1, 2024. This change occurred as part of IRCC’s announcement of several updates to the International Student Program. The PGWP eligibility update implied that college program graduates with public-private licensing agreements will become ineligible for PGWP, effective September 1, 2024.

However, as of March 22, the above date has been updated to May 15 this year. This further implies that international students who graduate in one of the programs after the specific date do not qualify for a PGWP.

IRCC’s decision is a consequence of the stress related to the educational quality of international students in these institutes.

The Auditor General of Ontario’s report observed inadequate monitoring of the program’s quality and student services in the institutes.

The immigration department predicts that those affected by this update might qualify for a different work permit type. In addition, IRCC will keep working with provinces or territories to recognize programs that have had an active impact on recent changes. Furthermore, the list will be updated once the department receives all the details. IRCC has taken multiple actions to mitigate the unfavorable growth of the International Student Program in recent years through this measure.

PGWP eligibility changes for Public-Private Program Graduates

On January 22, 2024, a number of changes related to the Post-Graduation Work Permit came to the forefront. Also, master’s program graduates of less than eight months can now qualify for a PGWP with a three-year validity.

The validity of a PGWP typically aligns with the academic program of an applicant. IRCC justified that the program graduates with at least two years’ length at PGWP-eligible DLIs qualify for a three-year PGWP. This is similar to the master’s degree program graduates, who have a length of below two years.

Defining PGWP

International students who graduated from a Canadian DLI can access a PGWP, an open work permit that enables them to work for any Canadian employer. International students acquiring a PGWP have the advantage of acquiring professional Canadian work experience, especially if they seek Canadian permanent residence.