Provincial Nominee Program draws occurred in Canada last week, in which provinces nominated eligible candidates.  

The provinces inviting Candidates include Ontario, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Quebec, and Prince Edward Island. Discover the PNP results for five Canadian provinces and when and how many candidates received the invitations to apply. 

Both Federal and Provincial Governments in Canada share the immigration responsibility. When a candidate receives a provincial nomination via the PNP program, his application for permanent residency becomes more favorable and stronger.  

This is particularly advantageous for Express Entry candidates because when the province nominates them, they receive an extra 600 Comprehensive Ranking System points or CRS points.  

Quebec and Nunavut do not employ the Provincial Nominee Program to invite candidates. The province of Quebec and the Federal government have a special agreement that provides the Quebec government all the authority over the selection process of its economic immigration.  

Weekly Provincial Immigration Results between August 12-18 

The selection will walk you through the PNP results of weekly draws for five Canadian provinces, including Ontario, Saskatchewan, BC, Quebec, and PEI, that occurred between 12-18 August.  


In the weekly PNP draw, the province of Ontario nominated a total of 5,450 candidates targeting four separate streams, which are as follows: 

  • Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream 
  • Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream 
  • Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills Stream 
  • Human Capital Priorities Stream 

The three draws for Employer Job Offer occurred on August 15. The province of Ontario nominated 853 international students, with a minimum CRS score requirement of 61 and a job proposal in healthcare, technology, and the skilled trades. 

In addition, 375 candidates with a job offer in the skilled trades and a minimum CRS score of 30 under the Foreign Worker stream, as well as around 1,131 skilled candidates with a CRS score of 46 and a job offer in the health and tech occupations also received the provincial nomination.  

Moreover, Ontario, in its in-demand stream, invited 256 candidates who had a minimum score of 23 or above and a job offer in in-demand skills. 

For this draw, candidates had a job proposal in specific in-demand occupations, including agriculture, construction, and other select professions. 

The province of Ontario on August 17 announced that under the fourth stream, it invited candidates throughout the week. A total of 2,835 candidates who had a work experience in technology and health-related professions and a minimum CRS score of 473 or above under the Express Entry Human Capital Priorities stream received the invitation to apply. 


Since June 8, the province of Saskatchewan held the PNP draw on August 16, in which it issued Expressions of Interest (EOIs) to the candidates.  

Saskatchewan held the draws targeting candidates in two different streams, i.e., Express Entry and Occupations-In-Demand Streams. However, for the first time draws, the provinces conducted the draws in six rounds and selected candidates based on their country of origin and occupation. The province claims that through these draws, it aims to promote recruitment programs that help it connect eligible candidates with the labor market possibilities. The minimum required CRS score for each draw was 60.  

Saskatchewan, under its Express Entry Stream, invited 23 candidates who are citizens of Ireland, 244 who are from India, and 98 from different countries, including Poland, Czechia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Germany, and Ukraine. 

In addition, the province, under its Occupations in Demand stream, issued invitations to candidates who belong to different countries. Among them, 12 candidates are residents of Ireland, 207 are residents of India, and 78 are residents of Poland, Czechia, Germany, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Ukraine. 


In Quebec, the most recent provincial nominee draws occurred on August 10. A total of 1,384 candidates received invitations to apply for permanent selection from the Ministry of Immigration, Francization, and Integration. 

To be eligible for this, candidates required a minimum score of 591 and a level 7 or higher oral proficiency in French language as per the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes. 

In addition, Candidates who had a valid job offer outside the territory of the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal also received the invitations. 

It should be noted that obtaining an invitation to apply for permanent selection and obtaining permanent resident status from the IRCC (Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada) are two different things. Candidates are still required to apply separately to IRCC if they want to obtain Canadian permanent resident status. 

British Columbia 

British Columbia conducted four separate draws on August 15. The draws targeted candidates in two different streams, i.e., the Skilled Worker Stream and the International Graduate Streams of the BC PNP. This also includes the Express Entry candidates.  

BC invited a total of 107 candidates in the largest draw, targeting tech occupations. Candidates for this draw required a minimum Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS) score of 88. 

For the remaining three draws, the minimum required score was 60. The following are the three targeted streams and the number of candidates who received the invitations from BC. 

  • 27 candidates who were early childhood educators and assistants; 
  • 19 candidates from healthcare occupations; and 
  • Less than five candidates from other priority occupations. 

Prince Edward Island 

The province of PEI held the latest PNP draw on August 17, inviting 142 candidates to apply. The province held draws for two separate streams of the PEI PNP, i.e., the Labour and Express Entry stream and the Business Work Permit Entrepreneur category. 

Under the Labour and Express Entry stream, PEI invited a total of 138 candidates who had a minimum EOI score of 50 and who were working for a PEI Employer. Notably, Labour and Express Entry applicants have received more than 97% of the total PEI PNP invitations over the last year.  

The remaining four invitations were issued to candidates in the Business Work Permit Entrepreneur category. Candidates under this stream required a minimum score of 102.